Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability

At Aenova Group, our mission of "Excellence Beyond Manufacturing" is integrated into our global commitment to providing lifesaving and health-improving medicines and nutritional supplements. Our approach includes high-quality production and corporate sustainability, encompassing responsible environmental practices, social contributions, and thoughtful corporate governance.

As a leading contract developer and manufacturer in the worldwide healthcare community, we engage with transparency, integrity, and ethical business conduct across all areas of our operations, guided by our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks.

We continuously improve our approach through annual participation in the EcoVadis sustainability assessment. We support initiatives such as:

  • UN Global Compact: Promoting human rights, labor standards, environmental protection, and anti-corruption efforts.
  • 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): Addressing global challenges like health, environmental sustainability, and equality.
  • Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI): Collaboration for the highest ethical standards and sustainability in the supply chain.
  • Marine Stewardship Council (MSC): Commitment to marine conservation.
  • Diversity Charter: Promotion of an inclusive work environment that respects and values diversity.
Environment: Our Environmental Responsibility

Environmental protection is a core component of business operations at the Aenova Group. We comply with environmental regulations and actively seek ways to reduce our ecological impact in accordance with our Health, Safety, Environment & Sustainability (HSE&S) policy.

We strive for recognized standards such as ISO 14001 (Environmental) and ISO 50001 (Energy) to ensure continuous improvements. Investments in energy-efficient technologies support our sustainable growth and efficient energy use. Regular energy audits and sustainable office practices contribute to our comprehensive environmental efforts.

Social: Our Commitment to Social Responsibility

At Aenova Group, social responsibility is integral to our operations, encompassing our approach to employee welfare, community involvement, and workplace diversity.

  • Health and Safety: We place great importance on health and safety with stringent standards such as ISO 45001. Initiatives include behavior-based safety, risk management, and internal HSE&S audits.
  • Diversity and Opportunities: With employees from over 50 nations, we promote equal opportunities and combat discrimination. Educational initiatives such as internships and academic collaborations prepare the next generation.
  • Community Engagement: At all locations, we support local social initiatives, from workshops for the disabled to sports clubs, thereby promoting the common good.
These measures create a safe, inclusive workplace and enrich the communities in which we operate.

Governance: Value-based

As Aenova, we are aware of our responsibility as employer, client, and customer. Our success is built on trust, which requires sustainable corporate governance.

Our corporate values elevate our standards in corporate governance, both internally and with business partners. We promote high standards of integrity and compliance through our Corporate Compliance Program, which supports our business operations and strategic planning, aiming for adherence to all relevant laws and regulations. The systematic integration of compliance into our sustainability strategy ensures that we act in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner while meeting legal and ethical standards.

Discover how our commitment to ethical business practices and Corporate Compliance maintains the legality and integrity of our operations, strengthening the trust of our customers and partners.