

Aenova Whitepaper "Cannabinoids: Therapeutic effects and the advantages of soft capsules as appropriate dosage form"

Kirchberg, 13/12/2021

Cannabinoids can provide great benefits for the treatment of cancer and central nervous system diseases. Softgel capsules are the preferred delivery form for cannabinoid products for many reasons. Aenova presents this in the new white paper "Cannabinoids: Therapeutic effects and the advantages of soft capsules as appropriate dosage form".

Cannabis has been in the public discussion for several years. This concerns the questions of legalization as well as the therapeutic use. Medicinally, cannabinoids are used in various fields of application, e.g. for neuropathic pain and spasticity, for loss of appetite in case of HIV as well as for nausea and vomiting under chemotherapy and for specific infantile forms of epilepsy.

The new white paper from Aenova entitled "Therapeutic effects and the advantages of soft capsules as appropriate dosage form" first reviews the history of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids and presents the regulatory framework as well as the current state of the legal situation. A special case is the development of cannabinoid drugs for medical use. For synthetic or natural cannabinoids with a clear origin and defined specifications, clinical trials for well-defined indications have high chances of success. However, to date, there is no approved marketing authorisation application for cannabis to treat any disease or condition. This is due to the fact that cannabis itself has a complex and difficult to characterize composition. About 120 different cannabinoids are present in Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica and Cannabis ruderalis. Only two of these are well characterized: Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

A look at the endocannabinoid system, the number of clinical trials and the current market situation for cannabinoids completes the presentation.

Crucial in this context is the question of the appropriate dosage form of cannabinoids. For pharmaceutical purposes, several different ones have been considered for the formulation of cannabinoids: oral, nasal, sublingual, transcutaneous, rectal, etc. Oral administration is often preferred because of its ease of use and lower regulatory hurdles. Softgel capsules, on the other hand, are particularly well suited as the preferred form of administration because of their specific properties.

The authors of the white paper, Dr. Mario Arangio and Dr. Christian Luftensteiner, are proven experts in the development and manufacture of softgel capsules at Swiss Caps AG, Member of the Aenova Group, at the Kirchberg site in Switzerland. With 4,300 employees, Aenova is one of the world's leading contract developers and manufacturers for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. The Swiss site is a center of excellence for the development and production of softgel capsules including highly potent APIs (OEB 5) and has over 35 years of experience in the formulation, analytical development and production of softgel capsules.

The white paper (16 pages) can be requested free of charge at contact-sales@aenova-group.com.

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